Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rick Najera -- "Captured by Feministas" and "You Know How to Whistle, Dont You?"

#1. What genre is each play? Explain why?
  • Capture by Feminstas= Tragicomedy, Because its funny and at the end Alegandro is dead.
  • You Know How to Whistle, Dont You? = Melodrama
#2. How does his choice of diction affect your reading of the plays? "Be specific in your response. Use examples as support.
"Well, you bitches finally got me!" The use of words show that he is angry man.
"Go ahead, shoot me" In the beginning he doesnt care. Then later, " Oh please dont kill me." He became coward.

#3. What is the theme for each play?
1) In "Captured by Feminstas" This theme is more obvious. Words are easy to understand.

2) In "You Know How..." This Theme is less obvious. There no real point. So I dont understand.

#4. Alejandro is the Anatagonist.
All the women are protagonist because that the main character of the story.

#5. What is your opinion of each play?

1) In the first story, if someone give me a chance, I will get it.

2) I dont like the second story because that is not easy to understand.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hamlet- Act III, Scence !: Hamlet famous Soliloquy

#1. What do you think Hamlet is saying?

I think that he is a man who is obsessing on a woman's beauty. Should he be there or not. Should he stay and be found out or should he leave and suffer with thoughts of separation from her. Should he die to self? He is unsatisfied with his life.

#2. Why is this soliloquy so famous? Can you identify with it?

It is highly quoted and used often. It would appear to be for many year, since Shakespeare is long dead now.
Yes- often times I am at a crossroads and don't know what I should do.