1. The protagonist is the main charater or hero.
The protagonist in this story is the murderer (un-named).
The antagonist is the character or force in conflict with the protagionst.
The character(s) inconflict with the protagonist could be either the old man or the offices. The old man because there must be some reason that the main character wanted to murder him. The offices because they represented authoity and therfore could penalize the murderer for his sins.
2. The conflict or struggle that must be resolved?
There is an underlying conflict in the murderer's own mind that he is not crazy.
There is the conflict within the murderer's mind that he will be found out.
There is a conflict as to why were the offices still calmly sitting and chatting.
3. Identify the Climax
The Climax is the murderer confeses to his murderous dead due to his own guilty concicnce.
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